"Customer focus is what drives us to succeed, we prioritise our clients needs and wildest dreams and bring them to reality. Our job satisfaction comes from exceeding our clients expectations."

-Philip McCormack - Managing Director

At High Visibility we provide branding solutions  and identify opportunities to help companies create, deliver and maintain their branded collateral. From idea conception to completion we support our clients the whole way. 

What sets us apart from other companies offering similar products and services is our personalised approach to customer care. At High Visibility we like to call ourselves a one stop shop, going the extra mile to save you time so that you can prioritise your time appropriately. We take the time to negotiatie and source products from suppliers for the best possible price so that you don’t have to. 

In our extensive experience we have developed valuable and trusted professional relationships with specialist sub contractors and wholesale providers locally, nationally and internationally enabling us to offer you the best at the best price. 

We strive to provide the best service possible over the diverse range of branding opportunities so that you can trust us as your sole supplier with the experience and expertise to deliver quality results and exceed your expectations.

Sourcing branding opportunities, from apparel to graphics can be a daunting experience. The overcrowded and highly competitive market can make it difficult to filter through the options and discover quality at a reasonable price. We ensure our clients are recieving the quality that they expect without it costing them the earth.

We understand that time is money within a business, which is why we are dedicated to providing quotes, products and services in a time effective manner. With High Visibility you aren’t talking to a different person everytime you contact our company, transferring from sales to accounts and so on. Your accounts are handled professionally and personally ensuring your needs are undertsood and met efficiently. Our seemless approach ensures each account is handled by one key account manager for transparent communication and reducing the risk of confusion or mistakes. We value you and your company and this is reflected in our customer care. 

The ethical undercurrent of High Visibility is in our strong customer focus. We are committed to ensuring every single client feels they have been listened to, understood, respected and that their needs have been met efficiently in a time and cost effecitive manner. Our team are experienced and hold the expertise to excell in this industry, so you can rest assured that your branding needs are in safe and capable hands, with you as our Number 1 priority.